Share the celebration with soft Penguins and childish laughter.
Motion/Emotion. Passion, Compassion, Diversity, Peace all simple things.
enjoy pjc
Photographic Art more thought some mine some by others.
Fine Art Photographer
by Peter J. Crowley // 1 Comment
Share the celebration with soft Penguins and childish laughter.
Motion/Emotion. Passion, Compassion, Diversity, Peace all simple things.
enjoy pjc
Photographic Art more thought some mine some by others.
Some color around the block this week
Tuesday after 1.25 inches of rain around 6pm the sun came out and the golden light was perfect. Tall tree is green yet the kelvin temp wow.
A bit out of the block but the Dr. trip worked wonders and the light was good.
The Doctors have a sense of humor.
Take the Reds on the way to pharmacy this morning.
enjoy pjc
A New Muse a very creative artist collaborates to create visual poetry with me. Musician, writer, visual artist, here at Priest Point. Digital B+W new for me we also shot film, but the idea of a live muse has been a constant during my most creative periods. A profile written Kailey the muse for Thurston Talk.