Pink Jeep Tours Oh My there is something happening here
but I don’t know what it is, something going on here!

Pink jeeps tourist hats Pink Jeep tee shirts I had to abstract the scene
well further abstract the scene.
Sedona was a strange little artist community that had become a new age mini mall on steroids. Sedona seemed to be growing like an adobe [imitation] chia pet. New buildings and rotaries new tar construction, condo’s in the midst of all this natural beauty. Now I am not saying this in a negative way. I would hesitate to make snap judgements being a middle of the road level headed type, and I was only there for an hour or so. I found it to be cool, and visual all be it a bit trendy in downtown. But downtown was small [bet it’s bigger now] and you could be back out in nature in a matter of minutes. Back to the artists and thinkers and Oak Canyon Creek. After the shoot we wandered briefly around for coffee post cards and images. Pink Jeeps oh my, how cool when I go back I want one for a prop. Then it was good bye to the model and back to old school Flagstaff more my speed. Well all for now. I’ll be keeping in the PINK for the rest of the year.