August 27th 6:30am somewhere between Chicago and Erie I join this 72 year old train buff for coffee. He has been taking the train for travel most of his life and has been on almost every route Amtrak offers. Fully immersed in the culture of the rails yet still with a child like fascination of all that presents itself through the window. The clock on his hat works which I think is cool. We talk seeking similarities, finding he grew up in Connecticut and worked for The Bridgeport Post and other prints shops. Retired to Az. he is on his way to a sixty year reunion of workers from a YMCA camp. What a different look at relationships forged in the middle of the last century to relationships of today. Friendships nurtured over decades, working for the same company for your entire career. From seed to sapling to giant Oak drawing strength from your neighbors who’s parents were the Oaks that have lived next to you for generations. No genetically engineered acorns here just a forest of humanity sharing the the seasons of life.
December first I was back in Manchester New Hampshire to pick up work from The Darkroom Gallery. Last time it was Rita Mae’s for lunch, this trip we went to The Red Arrow Diner where the food was grand and the ambiance heartened you back to the middle of the last century when the The Diner was king. No placing your order to the plastic clown as you drove through, no here you spoke with a waitress who could suggest what you may like and still have room for a huge piece of pie. There is neon, Naugahyde stools to spin on shinny steal walls. The Red Arrow is a visual time machine for this artist whose work is very reflective, comparative to then and now, perhaps a bit romantic. Well maybe it is the end of the year or the snowy afternoon but a little pondering of life’s choices and the speed of today vs contemplation of the past, hope you enjoyed today’s passionate observations. enjoy pjc
Search Results for: Between Here and There
Backing up On The Empire Builder

Jon and David Two of the highlights on the ride to Seattle.
I’ve spoken of them before at the dinner table in the dining car,
there is a lot of mischief in those eyes.
Here is a story from Jon one of the Amtrak community between Minot and Seattle about the time zones in ND. “In ND the Missouri River is the boundary between the central and mountain time zones. Everything North and East of the river is in the central time zone and everything South and West of the river is the mountain time zone. However all the coal fired power plants, coal mines and the coal gasification plant which are south and west of the river operate on central time even though they are in the mountain time zone. A few years back people who work at these plants and mines got tired of working on central time but living on mountain time and they got a petition together to change the time in those counties to central time. They got enough signatures and put the measure on the ballot and it passed however it still needed approval by the county commissioners. Agriculture is still the number one economic sector in the state and the farmers in this area are mainly descendants of Germans from Russia, brought in by the railroads in the late 1800s. They are a stubborn lot, do not adapt to change well. So when the county commissioners met to decide on this issue the farmers convinced them not to change the time because if they did their cows wouldn’t know when to come in to be milked. As a result we are still working on central time and living on mountain time”.
I thought before moving on to Sacramento that this story would bring a smile to your face as it does mine. enjoy pjc
Almost to Minneapolis late at night

Arriving for College
As I travel the rails this time my focus is the face of America, or the many faces of America is perhaps more appropriate. My Eyes are their eyes as we share time, stories some in conversation some with just eyes speaking volumes. “All the Usual Subjects”
reappear eight years after my first book. All the usual themes and then some, perception is reality. As I read this morning news not on one of the provdaish mainstream networks is the Story of Amy Goodman of Democracy Now and two of her co-workers along with an AP Photographer were arrested outside the Grand Old Party coronation of the new front man for The New Empire. Forty years ago a true democrat and voice for the people stood and defended the right to protest and the freedom of the press as Mayor Daly’s Gestapos clubbed and beat everyone in sight. Meanwhile back in St. Paul Connecticut’s poor excuse for a Senator sang along to the beat of a nightstick, bomb, bomb,bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. Hey Joe look up the footage of Abe Ribicoff in 1968 and see what being a true Democrat supporting a free press and freedom was back when there was a difference between the two parties. “Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose”
[Kris Kristofferson] Re-elect Abe. Joe’s only in it for the money! enjoy pjc