Last week in Willi [Willimantic Ct] Hugh Blumenfeld and Jim Mercik got together at OOBAHS on the tenth of November for a concert to benifit Covenant House Medical Clinic. I hope it was a big success I unfortunatly had to work. I doubt there was much sax but there was an abundance of good will. thank you Hugh and Jim.
Fall descends to winter here in Norwich but the warm days in late October produced a couple of Morning Glories outside my door at ArtSpace Norwich. But winter was here in full swing as Nov. First Friday Gallery night was slow it was in the upper 40’s so folks got less creative about walking two or three blocks.
Now it’s November 13th and the NCAA [National Cash Accumulating Association] basketball season has begun a week or two earlier than usual so people have to watch their pennies so they can give to Foundations to get priority points to be allowed to buy tickets. Which sounds a whole lot like Scalping to me, but someone has to pay to bring the Uconn 2000 dormitories up to fire code. But that was a past project of “The Greatest Governor Connecticut has ever had.” Jody Rell. How stupid do you have to be to be second in command for six years and not know how corrupt your addministration is? Just a little less stupid then the people who elected her as the Ethics Governor. We also elected Senator Minotaur with the head of an “independent” and the other ends of both parties.
Brattleboro from a recent performance at Nimble Arts
Make sure to see them if they are in your neighborhood and they will be at The Mohegan Sun on Dec. 31 There is magic in the air in Brattleboro and I mean in the air! Here Marina and Caroline perform on the floor but most of the show is 10-20ft in the air. Just plain amazing!
Well that’s all I have for now, a little naughty and a little nice, but hey there are only 41 shopping days left to All Hallows Greed and The Feast of Saint Consumer. Imagine a Jacko Lantern on the Body of a Fat Person in a Red Suit making campainge promises they won’t keep and you are into the Holiday spirit. enjoy pjc