I’ll be back from snow shoeing to the market. Ya right. Just looked out the parking lot side of my Apt. and there was NPW plow cleaning a bars parking lot. Priorities don’t drive, don’t drink and drive but if you do the parking lot is plowed. enjoy pjc
Kodachrome Last Rolls Mystic Ct. 2010 Dec. Ice
Breaking out of Silver Gelatin for a post here is one from my last rolls of Kodachrome. I don’t think I posted this before but if I did sorry. Ah the memory tis a bit weak. This from a drive along the Mystic River a frozen tidal pool. enjoy pjc
The Winter That Wasn’t So Far
Funny how time changes viewpoint about a year ago I posted another image of this stream. At the time I looked at the contact sheet I liked the image [feb 10] better think I was more drawn to the reflections. Last year I printed this image which gives equal creative value to the winter trees and the dark contrast of the water and ice. Ah but looking back this image is B+W and the other Color Digital and the immediacy of digital was creeping in on me. Now with a darkroom a year later I printed the B+W. My photo of cold built with triangles and Negative space. enjoy pjc