Time as a man made concept repeats itself every 24 hours, but since man can only count to twelve one could say it repeats itself in half the time. Me I repeat myself all the time. Tick tock tick tock ! It has been a long week, 168 hours or 10,080 minutes. Some minutes are longer than others, just ask the cows in N. Dakota that won’t know when to be milked if daylight savings time is allowed. What of the value of time? Who the hell do we humans think we are to control time. The sun comes up it is day time, the sun goes down it is night time. Very simple, but simple doesn’t pay the bills even the ND cows know that and if you don’t believe me ask your cell phone. This week [seven days one hundred and sixty eight hours] I was told that what I do isn’t work since I am not being paid for the time. So now we have work time and play time to consider. Is an hour of work time longer than sixty minutes? Is this hour more valuable than an hour of play time? Writing, seeing, pondering, creating momentary stories, commentary on these times is that not work? Or perhaps it is better to not see put your vision on auto or some other mode. Or is the time spend shoveling bull shit on the Senate Floor or lieing to the populous while the camera is running sound byte time is that of more value? Is there sixty minutes in a sound byte? Well it is time for more coffee and to go out in the day time to shoot some film, I have to make time to be creative. Time flashes by in increments of 1/250 of a second for me and if you take the time to look you may see how much time you waste chasing after the promises spit out to you in sound byte time. Enjoy your time it isn’t a dress rehearsal, but it is most likely fiction. Time to go, enjoy pjc
” You can’t please all the people all the time.” Abe Lincoln said that “but with the proper and continuous spin you can make the people believe they are pleased.”
Add some distraction
And some love if you can find the time!
This took me 120 minutes of time to create, worthwhile or wasted time? Time will tell.