March 2nd Mexican Art at Traditions Cafe. These eyes of mine continue to improve steadier opens up my lens selection. Here Nikon 85 mm 1/100 F1.8 ISO 100.
March 3rd outside my door 1/250 Nikon Micro at F-8 ISO 100 from about 5 inches away. A much lighter prime lens yet shake is still a big problem. The camera to subject distance magnifies the visual shake.
Simon March 3rd Safeway parking lot. I saw him in the market we nodded to each other knowingly. I caught him outside introduced myself, he laughed when i asked to shoot him. “You have character, history and are the kind of person I am drawn to photograph.” We both laughed two images and a few minutes of talking, laughing a highlight to my day.
March 4th around the block Spring peaks at me.
March 8th again the 85 mm a dark and cold morning my kitchen window my world view for to much of the time in recent years. But now my health better walking more, seeing better. Now spring!!
Spring!!! a view from March 11th around the block.
A Ray of light March 12th. Nikon AF [not on my D-3100] 28 mm to 105 mm a much shorter turning radius on the focus ring. ISO 400 1/40 F4.5. No vibration control I am very pleased with the image Tech. and emotion. Is she not quite sharp? Of course she is 8 and never not in motion.
peace pjc