A week since my last post an Orange Engine sits outside the Mendota Illinois Station a leader without followers?
Now a month and a half later it’s raining golden parachutes $700 billion served, ” I see lots of funny men some will rob you with a six gun and some with a fountain pen.” {“The Ballard of Pretty Boy Floyd” Woody Guthrie 1939 }
Shower us below with CREDIT!
You must have! You must have!
Without it you’re not a man. Not worthy.
You must have Credit, Debt, Distraction!
The Gods of Possesionville bring you WAR
[defend your right to waste]
[more large portions, throw it away]
[I have a call on my cell phone]
[yes I’ll pick up the lobster,go to the drive thru ATM]
Wash it all down with Lite Beer!
Smoke and Mirrors we see our freedom on
And somewhere suffocating under a mountain
of paperwork, re-financed, debt consolidated,
over budget, new and improved, high tech, upgrades,
Is your soul, free creative thought, freedom of choice.
I know I am free I saw it on TV!