Well after many hours of thought here is my New Years images in review. Some very old. After my first new year. What hangover I feel fine.Ready to roll, 2007 New Years Greeting click on me.
Born on a city street in Worcester Ma. Silver Halides my medium of choice click on coon skin cap. A 50’s pin up look for 2008, words from The Muse click on 1950
2010 Reality or abstraction Life and art blur!
Now it is time for pixel domination! Not sure I’m ready.
Stick around comment. What Comes next?
At the opening toThe Vision Toward Wellness Gallery Show on the 6th of December. I noticed this young women texting and thought I am so not here in the Tech world, hell I don’t have a cell phone or microwave. But the more I thought the more I realized how addicted I am to the screen. Duality, in November I had a show “Between Here and There ” from the title of a poem. But it is more than a poem it is a summary of my life and yours too perhaps. With all the multi tasking and bombardment of information/disinformation are you ever here? Is it ever now? Is there ever time to focus? Now it is the Holodaze Season and I am trying hard to be joyous. But with the amount of material that is slipped in while you are out over spending it is hard to not rant. So later today or tomorrow I will be adding a page for my thoughts so those of you who want to see my take on the world around us will be able to click a link.
“Between the Lines.” Seeing what is right in front of you. coming soon. enjoy pjc
Well thanks to a great friend I now have a digital Canon and am shooting some with color images. It is a different animal than my Nikon’s which are still my primary creative voice. For now I use it only for color. I sometimes use it as a Polaroid to check lighting in studio, if it is a particularly new set up. But still working mostly with one light that is rare. The instant gratification is nice [but I always want a cigarette right after] because without my own darkroom I shoot less. I can also offer a lower rate for prints from sessions. No tech talk here though suffice it to say I can provide high quality 8.5 x 11 prints.
Inspiration is found all around if one looks today’s collage is from my kitchen counter. Coffee a cup from Mocha Joe’s in Brattleboro Vt a place I haven’t been in a year. The city is a very visual location. Want to go with me? A day Trip Tutorial? See the link for incredibly reduced rates even the poor I mean middle class can afford. Some of the most recognized images ever made were done during the last depression. Just cause I have a diggie does not mean I will change the tone of my visual or verbal voice. Well all for now. It is nice out and I want to go make negatives. enjoy pjc
New Work Up. Comments encouraged donations appreciated keep an artist alive.
This just in “The IRS in an effort to streamline their work and make their agency more transparent has announced the eliminate the middle man form, # FUMiddleClass this year just pick your favorite Criminal and send them the money directly. If you don’t have their address send it to your Congressman or Senator they will know the correct account number to wire your wages to. enjoy pjc