Strong working women these two landscapers were as happy to be subjects as I was to make their portraits.
Moments recently posted on Face Book not left for long.
Over the last forty eight years I have created many moments. These moments have been brief lasting forever. From news, documentary, performing arts. The soul of an artist is in the negatives, each a self portrait. The way I communicate, comment on humanity. For quite awhile selling images to collectors, friends sitting talking about images and life. Art as a profession. That world has passed, replaced with speed and technology quantity not quality. The arrow has replaced the archer. There are no more new negatives. Age and health have stripped this life away. Anti social media has silenced discussion of images to cave drawings. The computer has saved us all so much time. Time to confront, attack and insult yet no time to communicate on art and life. Old for sure, bitter maybe but more sad that the world has reached the level where love is for money and hate, violence is the vehicle we ride to to reach the golden idle.
For now I will only post brief moments to Face Book to indicate I have new images here for me and you if you choose to follow. I can’t place my art on Face Book to sell their product. I’ll be here alone with my images from a long wonderful life of creating, singing the same song to an empty auditorium. Pop by if you like. There will still be a healthy dose of sarcasm and an ocassional rant. peace pjc
Here are some of the recent moments some old some new all from my soul.
A Figure model from New Jersey by way of Poland who saw my work and wanted to work with me not for a fee. To be a part of my work Norwich Ct. 2001
Autumn 2019 next door pastels
The finish line at Belmont Stakes mid 80’s
Out my window on Bellevue Street Willimantic 1999
Old Port Portland Maine a very early morning 6:45 am stroll while attending The N.E. Artists Congress.
Seattle September 2001 after teaching Photographic Philosophy for a week an Whidbey Island.
peace pjc
All images are for sale. A few copies of “All the Usual Subjects” a limited edition book of my images available through this site see Pricing Page. Another Door Entered my second book. Books are $25 a piece.
Wim Wenders and Me
Recently read an article in The Guardian about Wim Wenders Polaroids. His thoughts on the Art Photography Genre rang true they could be my words. “The culture has changed. It has all gone. I really don’t know why we stick to the word photography any more. There should be a different term, but nobody cared about finding it.”
“It’s not just the meaning of the image that has changed – the act of looking does not have the same meaning. Now, it’s about showing, sending and maybe remembering. It is no longer essentially about the image. The image for me was always linked to the idea of uniqueness, to a frame and to composition. You produced something that was, in itself, a singular moment. As such, it had a certain sacredness. That whole notion is gone.” That was my world and will continue to be it isn’t the problem of the copiers of things in front of them it is my problem for being unable to accept content and quantity as the new normal. Technically excellent void of emotion “What program did you use”? peace pjc
Margo Knis Dance Ensemble Marlboro Ct. 1977
peace pjc
Photographic Art, film, thought, nuance, metaphor my program.
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