Rees my host in Flagstaff, a fine art photographer, a fine art friend.
August 13th the journey begins. It is said that each journey begins with the first step but a creative journey begins with the planning and accessing of the history/baggage that you carry into the idea. So Natalie {a Muse} brought me and too much baggage to Springfield Ma. Settling in on the most familiar part of this trip my window on the world secure I watched as we rolled into the Berkshires. Small farms New England country side Golden Rods and a turkey, boarded up small factories spoke of the economy for anything small.
The River and Rails
The river and rails
Meander through hill and dale
On the same trail
Nature and man
Share the same travel plan
A dancer glides by in car 13 I watch as my mind drifts to dancers, the body as a creative instrument. Motion and emotion a constant theme of my work. The body speaks a language so familiar yet lately rarely do I interpret this speech, history not baggage as warm thoughts pirouette through my minds eye. On to Albany seeking America in the faces, eyes and body language of those I encounter on either side of the tracks.
enjoy pjc
Dance history my minds eye
The River and Rails
The river and rails
Meander through hill and dale
On the same trail
Nature and man
Share the same travel plan
A dancer glides by in car 13 I watch as my mind drifts to dancers, the body as a creative instrument. Motion and emotion a constant theme of my work. The body speaks a language so familiar yet lately rarely do I interpret this speech, history not baggage as warm thoughts pirouette through my minds eye. On to Albany seeking America in the faces, eyes and body language of those I encounter on either side of the tracks.
enjoy pjc
Dance history my minds eye