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June a good four days.
June is off to a good start visually June first a stroll along Percival Landing. L-R Images one and three are from the Out door seating at Budd Bay Cafe. Great taste in or outside. The Poppy is from Percival as well, while the Iris was today June Forth. peace
Hi. I haven’t been on Nextdoor lately but fortunately saw your post. Were all of these potted or any of them growing wild in the ground? How did you get the black background in picture 4?
What sharp focus and color. Thanks so much for sharing, I wish this was my yard.
Oh, and I like the color showing up through the rainy window pane. My husband used to do black and white photography and was intrigued with working with windows.
Maggie, Except for image 10 they are all out side in my garden it sits on my window sill prior to being transplanted. The black background is a piece of black foam core used to isolate the flowers. peace