Yesterday I was out for a stroll at 8 am people time. But 7 am sun time. There is a magic in this light crisp cool even in the heat of summer. I am up most days to see the light but the science project that is my body coupled with morning haze restricts my strolls.
Delicate light on a neighbors Poppy. Joe came out of his house coffee in hand to tell me I can walk into the yard to get the best angle of the light. The flower bed is his wife’s project he told me not wanting to take credit for her work that he loves. I love when folks greet me. I am more at home here now since the days of being the “creepy old guy with a camera.” LOL nearly six years now in Olympia.
There are mornings I stroll where the light, birds singing a cool breeze are enough. A few shots but just the light and the walk feed my soul.This was not one of those days. The grass at another friends house drenched in stark back light provided wonder to shoot.
Not over saturated in PS no in fact saturation and contrast was dialed down for these four images. Just my seeing, the perfect light provided for these exposures.
A gentle breeze the colors danced seeking a solo of focus with each shutter release.
But this short depth of field highlights the importance of negative space. Here as important as the focused subject.
In the center a white spec? A dust spot? No part of a spider web so strong holding between the shafts of color. A deep breath another image seen I stroll along.
peace pjc
as i stroll i find myself looking for the light and wondering how it will change and affect what i am seeing. thank you for that too peter.
Always looking highlights and shadows creating beauty. Thanks Pauline
Amazing to realize that these are “just” grass!
The light is spectacular to bring out the color. peace