Speed to distraction for lingering may allow for thought. All your devices that save you time convenient. What do you do with this time? Do you own your cat or does it own you? Do you use your phone or does it use you? Time to feed the cat, to get more apps. to spend time learning to use apps to save you time. The time you spend looking at anything gets shorter and shorter. Add motion to the mix and now to see great art it is animated Picasso paintings. Why to prevent you from pondering seeing beyond the surface. What is it that floats the boat on social media and life? So many platforms to not speak clearly on, be brief, say little or nothing and use a provided cave drawing. On a BBC feature about motion, marketing and greed a trend to fast and brief was studied the findings were shorten the attention span of the people online. Allow only time to spend on an imaginary future on your phone at 10 second or less intervals, longer would allow for memories, emotions, creative thought. Resulting in lower profits. Below a comment on this image says everything without an Emojy. Andrea can still see.
“I have spent so many times with good friends in taverns with tables and chairs similar to the one in your wonderful shot. Remaking the world, remaking the arts, remaking emotions.”
Indeed! But what is this concept of “saving time”? What or whom are we saving it from? And does it really want to be saved? In the east, we have the corollary concept of “time pass” activities (in the west, we would call this “killing time”). I wonder, would time stop if we did not let it pass? Or would it just fail? We belong to a generation that would not consider shooting a video where a still image would suffice, or a color image where a black & white would tell the story. More is less and less is more.