Tuesday November 17th 2015. Darkness, Darkness, winter rains whipped by high winds I hunker down inside my virtual life. Seeking the highlight through drawn shades. The lights blink like my attention span. Blips on my screen don’t respond the more I engage the more I feel it is a waste of time draining my emotional strength.
Image made in church have had a few very diverse feelings of what I am saying here from dark, inspiring, sinister, sometimes I know what I want to say with an image. Other times it is the light the shapes leading to ambiguity. This is one frame not post processed except for size. August 17th a photo day with Roger I make this image thinking about the light and design of stained glass, a path to the light, seeking the high light. ISO 1600 1/80th at F-8. From dark to light the windows lead or is it the other direction? Metaphors, Ambiguity a 1000 changing words. What do you see?
The life of an artist is a dream drifting through images, words a visual language sometimes clear often ambiguous. A Wonderful Dream. I have been awake too much lately!
The contest continues. At the top of the page mouse over galleries select a gallery, a page collage of images appears click on one image to go to gallery individual images select and comment say the magic word and receive an 8×10 print free. The word is simple found in many of my statements enjoy pjc
Photographic Art Right to one of the galleries.
I like this but may interpret it differently than you – as a fence of protection around someone in the Faith yet pointing to direction, purpose and ministry – is your word that you are looking for ” Peace ” ?
As I said there are numerous feeling of what is being said with this image. This is what I like, it is part of a story inviting the viewer to complete the thought. I always seek peace yet that isn’t what I seek here, more confusion many options to the end of the tale. Questioning what I am saying leads to what you are saying.
enjoy pjc