The Text Message
Keep that damn sun of my screen. Wa. State Fair. Colors, sound, games, food, PEOPLE. Texting, talking at not talking to. So many ways to communicate so little said, over and over. Had a dial phone as a kid till the early 2001 worked great talked socialized communicated thoughts emotion values. Mid 90’s the WWW and emails often thought out researched avenue for creative thought. Forums people of a like mind discussing ideas, emotions, Art. I used to communicate by email lots. A month or so ago a friend emailed me some news from back in Willi with a comment that she thought she might have to join FB to reach me. But my email still works my messages always longer than the response. Social nitwitting where shallow is taken to a new level. “The Like Button” where you can comment without a thought. How convenient. Today I read that the “Like Button” is being upgraded now you can ad a pixel-ed emotion to your Like how very sweet. with an artist friend yesterday 5 interchanges friends replies total 25 characters including the exclamation point. I’m old but I still hope that communicating is more involved then to just figure out how few letters it takes to say nothing. I think the image says how I feel about texting. At this point please click the like button at the top of the page. enjoy pjc
Photographic Art Significance a Poem
Aw, Peter! Too bleak, my friend.
Yes, abbreviated but in some instances better than nothing which might have been the alternative.
My daughter texts a few words. She’s a busy gal but thinking of her ol’ man. Nice to know. Uses her Bluetooth to call from the car while commuting. Teacher/Student multitasking to keep pop in the loop. She lives in Renton. Much effort to do anything more.
My lady gets texts from cross-state dear friend every day wishing glorious days and spiritual peace.
Tiny bits of communication (even the “like thumb”) mean someone saw my picture and liked it. Encouraging.
Lots of ways of communicating, hopefully tailored to the needs of the moment. Only tools. Have faith in human intelligence and compassion to know how much, what and when.
Hope you’re well and glad to see you made the fair. Big to-do, huh?
There is some editorial license here as I aimed at what is wrong. Nothing is all bad. I see this as more a generation/age thing. The brevity of response on Social Media gets to me as well comments so brief and grammatically poor that the meaning is lost.
So with this post I hope to inspire or remind folks how much more can be said if a bit more thought/time is spent. Communication, verbally, visually, tone of voice, eyes creating a complete thought. A pet peive of mine but something I have studied for years. peace pjc