Time on one side on the other side what life’s passed this way before. Simple images stretching the imagination, light shade contrast changes. Ten minutes with this door once a home now an office, electric company elegant mystery.
May 29th coffee and this blog B+W Digital also shot on film, today Fed Ex delivers a small package of FILM yes. One Hundred Eighty little 1×1.5 inches of magic. A transfusion of sight, soul creation.
Six or so images of this entryway but in the end it is like all my images a self portrait. This day I had B+W Film in the camera this is digital I think I shot the image above with film and maybe this as well but the last roll was in the camera and I was being very selective.
enjoy pjc
windows hold these mysteries for me.a ladder against the window and my imagination runs free.i love being able to spy on your travels.
Thank you for spying although no need to spy come on up to the front row of my visual words. Short stories from a passionate observer. peace pjc