C-41, E-6, Silver Gelatin? a mid career dream 1995, Centennial Theater Festival Simsbury Ct. A motion and emotion Photographic Artist. The Willi years perhaps my most creative period, but that is hard to be sure of there are more dreams to come more periods. Pixels and interaction with I-Phonians. Put the camera on auto and become a tripod in the creative process! Artificial intelligence isn’t the same as as emotional cognitive thought. There is no artificial emotion just modes spray and pray. I too now shoot digital one frame at a time, no cropping little post process just my mind and the transformation of light into emotion. No I won’t be posting everything to the social network as soon as I shoot. Instant gratification-instantly lost. The art is in the print not the monitor. Haven’t been posting for a while so I thought I would start with a little of my philosophical rant. Major changes as my heath isn’t good and I am packing up 40+ years of images each created individually by me each has a story, each has a memory few will be deleted as I move 3000 miles west.
peace pjc
Post production on a 4×6 from 1995 add scratches and static like a fine vinyl album played back without remastering.
Silver Gelatin my medium of 40 years
The magic you see in the world comes to us through your fine images. What a storyteller you are. I will always be grateful that, years ago, I happened on your black and white image of empty bars stools. Thank you for sharing your work and philosophy with those of us who know you from afar. I hope your journey of 3,000 miles will land you in a place where you can continue the story…
lovely Peter lovely
I am also glad that you found my site it is wonderful to communicate with someone who gets it seeing beyond the surface. Hope or now it is plan as Dr.\’s, prescriptions, and moving friend are all in the same orbit. Yesterday I chased around to fill out apt application form and Fax it to my daughter so she could be 1st in line to apply for a beautiful downtown Olympia apt. She was 4tg but the first three were incomplete which puts me in first place. So much to do, I am trying to wrap up the moving of furniture that people have spoken for by tomorrow when they arrive. wish me luck peace pjc
Thank you I hope to see you Sunday but things are moving fast, things not me. See my comment to Alice. enjoy pjc