November 1st Rain Wind and the Colors Disappear 11.01.2013 by Peter J. Crowley // 3 Comments Mid October in Baltic Nature painted this abstract for me to see and interpret. enjoy pjc Purple Photographic Art summer.
Carol Blackburn says November 1, 2013 at 7:23 pm Peter, it looks like nature was using watercolor and did some splattering of paint. Lovely!
Leslie says November 1, 2013 at 9:00 pm Beautiful colors, and a lovely image, Peter. The colors along the shore are just getting going. It\’s worth a trip down here!
Peter J. Crowley says November 5, 2013 at 5:14 pm Thank you Carol and Leslie, The purple maples were new to me. enjoy pjc
Peter, it looks like nature was using watercolor and did some splattering of paint. Lovely!
Beautiful colors, and a lovely image, Peter. The colors along the shore are just getting going. It\’s worth a trip down here!
Thank you Carol and Leslie, The purple maples were new to me. enjoy pjc