On the 20th of July I was riding back from Manchester on Rt 87 having passed through a fierce downpour with wind and horizontal rain I stopped to shoot a landscape at a farm in Lebanon where I knew I would have lots of sky. Walking 30 yards from where I parked the sky was just very dark and the image wasn’t there. Just before getting to my car the phone rang and it was Kirsten. We talked for a few minutes and the wind picked up and the pressure dropped. Having lived through the 1954 Tornado in Worcester MA. I am acutely aware of barometric pressure. I said good-by to Kirsten turned to look at the sky. Now it was what I wanted and a little scared I rushed back the 30 yds I don’t rush to well but got back to the spot and made 3 images before the rain started. This is the one I had wanted when first I stopped so once again my wonderful daughter provided me with what I needed, thanks Kirsten again and again. peace pjc
Always interesting how things work out. Nice!
Yes interesting, a wee bit scary though. thanks Steve peace pjc
Wonderful picture, a very special atmosphere of natural solitude, I love it! And the story which goes with it! have a wonderful day
Thank you Andrea, I should add more stories to my art most images have a story.
enjoy pjc