LLUP Which way? Is it crumbling or being rebuilt? There is no certain answer. Truth is truth or a lie told so often it is taken for the truth. Reality and perception collide at a blinding rate tweeted moments after an event every picture tells many stories. Every image is a self portrait but which way to lluP is the question left unanswered. Busy with consuming we have few breaks to think, too much distraction keeps us from thinking above the gadget acquisition. Click like or put it in your status and you have done your part. You’ve delluP but which way? Like the elf shitting chocolate kisses on cookies a clever marketing photo that was cute and we all shared. Sales are up. Maybe the most clever I know of was the Wild Turkey showing up at the White House Rose garden during a press conference a few years back. This “Wild Turkey” garnered 3-5 minutes of coverage on all networks evening news. All the papers pictured this “Wild Turkey” and on the next day again all networks and publications were talking about this “Wild Turkey” who was not wild at all just a very clever prop from Wild Turkey marketing person delluP it off. Throwing the “Wild Turkey” over the wall. Well this has become an old time rambling post. There may be some truth, certainly perception. But perhaps one of the avenues I’ve offered here will distract you for a moment to think about which way you are gnilluP. enjoy pjc
My work can be seen at these two galleries in December, “Blizzard Group Show at Gallery At the Wauregan and PhotoSynthesis Members Show
I love olympia for just that reason. Its your perspective on life that allowes you to see both the decay and the abundant life on the streets here. The lights on the bay at night. The ever changing art of people and buildings. Some is just facade some is lasting and bone deep.