Autumn 2011 getting around was tough and thinking creatively even harder. But Phil got me out to the market etc or just to ride along and see. This image made through Phils windshield while he was at a lumber yard. Looking up at the last leaf of fall and a nice sky. Quiet and hoping for more mobile days. enjoy pjc
Photographic Art More from Phils auto
Hey, Peter, what happened this time??! I thought I had the corner on falls (last Oct. broke my wrist – it wasn\’t healing right-had to operate.Took a year to really be with my flute again…then fell backwards from a chair a fractured my tailbone…very painful but healing was quicker.) I read your title \”through a windshield\” and thought that\’s what happened to you!
Love the orchid and the almost leafless tree with sky….
Good will healing,
I didn\’t drive for a year including the four month hospital visit or walk much the till early winter. I had heard about your wrist last time we talked but don\’t remember the second fall.
Thank you for the compliments. I have a solo show at the Discovery Center in Turners Falls opening Sept first. The center is at a large nature preserve. enjoy pjc