From the Last Session with my Muse of two years. An early image in the “Layered Life Portfolio.” We wandered around Westerly RI it was a perfect day. The image made on High St in the window of 84 High Street Cafe a great place to eat and socialize, the little boy inside, the woman on the left exiting and the Muse behind me reflecting in the window. Reflecting back this is one of my favorite images of The Muse. Perhaps one of my all time favorites but so many images it is hard to say for sure. So many unprinted negatives, my current health keeps me only able to print for an hour or two so I will share past images my favorites and some thoughts on creation perhaps you may pick up and idea or two.
[…] Photographic Art […]
Well Peter, another one of your very good window work. I like how the items/people are seperated in the image.
Thanks Rees, Image made in 2001 seems like a long time ago cause it is a long time. I will continue to post retrospective work. When I get to the lab for short periods I am going through and printing old negs. enjoy pjc