Each day once a day the mail would come, perhaps a letter from a loved one, a post card from a traveling friend, hand written, time taken to speak with you from far away or cross town. A pen spreading ink on paper, thought with emotion messages of love traveling down a country road for you just you. Read savored and saved for later you would write back. Across town or across the sea someone waited for your response, your emotion, your love to come back to them on paper gently spread with ink of time taken to return your love. Then tucked into a shoe box to be reread and savored again tomorrow or in ten years.
enjoy pjc
Original Image is a Transparency
Beautiful photo. You have also captured the lost art of letter writing. The picture also evokes a sadness of a bygone era, as well as celebrating the need for sustenance through human connection and the written word, a profound message you portrayed in this photo alone. Thanks for this.
Cristina Querrer
Your long-lost ArtSpace neighbor and artist friend from apt# 409
Thank you. You get it which I find rare these days. Thought and the process go into a letter, a poem, a photograph. Compassion takes more than 140 characters. enjoy pjc