So as I wander around the river who do I encounter? Click on image and travel back 30 years, ring a Bell? I have also of late been talking to the painter in that post. Seasons and circles go round. Which season is first? Winter in the calender traverses two years but in the mind in the metaphor is it first or last? enjoy pjc
Dam looks like the river is really flowing but 75 yards downstream it is just a trickle with the foliage having little pools for reflecting. I added more water with photo shop to make the dam more dynamic.
Photographic Art Portraits on B+W film there is a difference.
For someone who considers himself primarily a b&w photographer, your color stuff is absolutely amazing. In fact, I’m enjoying more fall color on your blog than in the world outside my window! And you’ll have to show me that “add dynamic dam water” button in PhotoShop sometime.
I would like to purchase your autumm photo. 16X@20. Thanks