Outside Carl’s window an early spring oak creates a ink drawing on the sky. We watch these branches now full with leafs blocking our view of Rick’s Hot Dog Cart on Main St. Manchester Ct. Trees fascinate me, this one in particular captures late day light and frames downtown Manchester. Click around for more thoughts and images of trees. enjoy pjc
love this…looks like veins, not trees 🙂
Thank you. It has been too long since I have seen you [my fault] and Nate. You should be part of the “Last Rolls on Kodachrome” series. enjoy pjc
Very nice Peter, and alas, the diversity of photography. Every thing in the world is a potential subject, just a matter of how one interpret things.
” All anyone ever photographs is light the subject is merely a vehicle to translate the light into emotion.” How’s the cookout going? enjoy pjc
Well, not to worry anymore, Obama called our govenor to pledge federal support on the fire, duhhh??, it is a national forest,……….not private, not state, nor martian, so would’nt one expect the fedrallies to do something??