“Abstract Nudes and Kaleidoscopes”
– work inspired by the photographs of Peter J. Crowley
Same figure inspires two artists.
An Administrative decision has been made to not show my photos at Roberta’s opening because they are nudes. I encourage you to go and see Roberta’s Art as I am honored to inspire such a talented, strong artist in a very uninspired State. Peter J. Crowley
Please feel free to write a letter to the editor or directly to President Grace Jones or both GJones@trcc.commnet.edu comments on my blog are of course always welcome. enjoy pjc
Opening June Third 6pm to 8pm
Three Rivers Gallery
Three Rivers Community College,
574 New London Turnpike, Norwich, CT
WOW… they look COOL side by side!
Sorry to see that your photographs won’t be included in Roberta’s show. Administrators can be so narrow minded. Sort of scary in the Art World. . . Perhaps a larger venue in a larger city?
And this is a gallery at a college. Is this really higher learning?
Imagine if Berta had never never seen your work. Imagine all the people who won’t get to see it, and how they could have been inspired to great works of their own. Tragic.
Why would anyone show there…shouldn’t the artists all cancel ? If it were me, I would not want any part of it.
I have held life drawing sessions for the past twenty years and have seen fellow artists censored at the Westerly RI library and on other occasions.
Very disappointing but I am not surprised given that this is Connecticut.
If we were in Europe it wouldn’t be an issue. They had a fit when the Hygienic mural went up, remember that? I love Sara’s work on the building, now no one seems to bother about it.
Rock On…
What do you think the chances would be that they’d allow Mapplethorpe’s work to be shown?
Good thing the Vatican took a chance on Michelangelo…
It is ridiculous that artwork should be censored – the human figure is not obscene, but censoring merely reveals the narrow-minded confine of the censors and the fact that they cannot look upon the human figure without making it obscene in their own minds.
OK, college administrators occasionally do have to make tough, even unpopular, decisions. However, I agree with Stidfole’s comment about this act of censorship being “intellectual cowardice.” Maybe some “educational leaders” are still functioning out of a midwestern mindset of the 1950’s? And then to give the excuse that it’s “a public space!?”
I hope this will not become a one shot issue that fades away after a month or two.
This deserves on-going public discussion.
Am I missing something here Peter ?
The title of this show is “Abstract Nudes and Kaleidoscopes”, your works are nudes; yes, it makes sense, but what has that got to do with anything ? Surely you are not suggesting that this is yet another “small-town US” censorship issue ? If it is, it is disgraceful and should be reported to the NCAC ( http://www.ncac.org/ ) in NY (to name but one organisation). Perhaps I have completely misunderstood, in which case, I’ll leave you to clarify ?
Copy of this message via e-mail to: GJones@trcc.commnet.edu
Here-under, copy of my message to Ms. Jones:
Dear Ms. Jones,
Please allow me to introduce myself. I am an internationally acclaimed photographic artist of British origin, currently residing in Italy. I specialise in the art-nude and erotic-nude genres. Today, my works can be found in both private and public collections world-wide.
Please find hereunder an extract of my comment to Mr. Peter Crowley, with regard to his news that his work is not to be exhibited at the show in question. I have asked him to clarify, as it seems impossible anybody could be so ignorant of the arts to withdraw his work from the show due to the nature of the content. If they have, I genuinely suggest they get immediate counselling !
I have suggested to Peter he lodge an immediate complaint to the NCAC, the link to which I have provided in my comment. If this withdrawal of his work is a censorship issue, the NCAC can ensure that the issue gets not only national, but international exposure. This kind of mentality needs to be exposed, to the good of society as a whole.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours truly,
Thomas Hodges.
I am gravely disappointed in my alma mater, but remember having similar issues with Vagina Monologues being performed at Eastern Connecticut State University. Obviously, it is not limited to a small -drop- in -the -bucket -no -one -could -care -less -about- local -community -college; which is really sad. Among many things, I am a feminist and a model for Peter. I am offended by the narrow minded view that does not allow us to celebrate the feminine form. My heart breaks for Peter and the world we live in. I am left wondering if the issue is that they are naked or is it that they are women?