Slides as they are called in the consumer world of photography. Dead as they have been sentenced by the prosumer imaging world.
Resolution, sharpness, information, quality transparencies have it all so why is Kodachrome being discontinued? Because it is guilty of lasting, guilty of quality, guilty of non convenience and mostly guilty of inspiring thought as the photographer exposes this film. No machine gun shoot 100 images and spend 3 hours in post production to find the idea you didn’t have. The creation is made by the artist, not the program. It is great not goodnuff, and goodnuff rules. This image made on Provia a very good Fuji Transparency film. I’m saving the final 20 rolls of Kodachrome for a final project to be shot over the next few months before the only lab to process Kodachrome closes. Want to be a subject for the final series? Email me. enjoy pjc
“Buying is much more American than thinking and I’m as American as they come.” Andy Warhol
Current and upcoming shows, and holiday portraits.
“Between Here and There.” Photographic Art by Peter J. Crowley from the 1970’s to today. Pearl of the Thames Cafe 175 Thames St. Groton Ct. opening November 6th 6pm. Excellent munchies from Jason at The Pearl and acoustic blues by Mike Bloomer.
In Sight Photography silent auction Gallery Exhibit online and at the Gallery through November first. It is a great show and a greater cause.
Portrait sessions being booked for your gift giving. Your eyes your essence.
Prices on prints from transparencies on request.
This green really looks like “chrome-green” to me, It’s such a threedimensional shot. A good picture is a good picture, no need to spend hours on photoshop on it to make it better. At least that is my idea of it all. That said, I don’ t make many good pictures but I’m not a prosumer (I learned this word here). But you are one, no? I wonder why they can’t keep up a little part of this branche or their production, if it is so good. You know, I think it will come back one day.
Good evening Andrea,
A prosumer is one who uses a “pro” like camera and allows it to do all the thinking. Put it on auto and fix the image with post production. Artifiscal intelligence will make it goodnuff. So no I am not a prosumer LOL I compose in the viewfinder and make all the decisions, I chose to have just part of the image in focus which creates depth using the negative space to define my subject. Your average prosumer would have “Aperture Mode” keep everything in focus. Flat no concept of negative space. Here I chose to use a fill flash combined with the moisture to give the leaves that chrome look. The average shelf life of a digital “prosumer” camera is 18 months than off to the land fill for it is time to upgrade. This image made with 1969 Nikon F no plans to retire. Thanks for your comments and getting me going again. enjoy pjc
Peter, oh, sorry, no, now I’m sure you are NOT NOT NOT a prosumer! Thanks so much for defining the definition here for me:) And I love the description of the decision-making and the use of the negative space, which is really what we do when we draw and paint too. What a horror, shelf life of a digital prosumer camera being 18 months! Heck.
You know, I have been to the Paris “Salon de la photo” last Friday, to have a look as I work in this Photographic association, and I saw there a retrospective of Willy Ronys, a great French photographer who died last month at the age of almost 90 (here’s a link
and when I stood there contemplating the photos, another visitor said to his friend: “did you know that Willy Ronys only had 4 cameras throughout his whole life? ”
That made me smile and I thought, it’s the man who makes the photo, and who has “the eye” and to change camera every 18 months won’t give him this special “look”.
Just wanted to tell you this:)
have a great day
Prosumer is not even a real word yet so it is easy to understand your confusion. I know you did not think of me as one as soon as you knew the definition. “Willy Ronys only had 4 cameras throughout his whole life? ”
That made me smile and I thought, it’s the man who makes the photo, and who has “the eye” and to change camera every 18 months won’t give him this special “look”. This is what art is a personal vision, and all the upgrades of artificial intelligence does not make one an artist. For as much as technology has advanced it has yet to program artificial compassion [unless you count in the government LOL] Willy Ronys work is superb reminding my of Henri Cartier Bresson. The decisive moment does not happen in tech upgrades it happens in the mind and soul of the artist. The third dimension and negative space do not exist in what passes for art photography with a $6000 camera on automatic. The images are “I” just the subject no thought of the subjects relationship to the world around just “I” twenty or thirty years ago Andy Warhol [see quote] saw the prosumer coming. Americans are professional buyers and the “Ipodian culture” grows like a virus on creative thought. Hope you are having a splendid day. enjoy pjc