The New Book
Table for One
Table For One,
That’s where you’ll find me,
Table for one,
The orders the same,
Table for one
Me and my journal,
Table for one,
Back to the wall,
Table for one,
Old habits, fears die hard,
Table for one,
Old roads very different, unchanged
© October 7th 2007 Peter J. Crowley
Opening Friday OCT 2nd In Sight Photography Project Silent Auction Gallery Show I have donated three images to this show for this very great program. Come to the opening or bid online.
Abandoned past behind her,
rough concrete
pressed up against her soles
The benevolent warmth
creeping up her feet
shrouded in soothing satin,
the wind washing in the next season
the certainty drowning her.
She surrenders to this moment
and feels. Angel. The colors in this photo fascinate me, and the look on the girls face…
also like all the poetry here:)
A ndrea
Thank you it was a good session with hope of more sessions with Michelle a creative model and poet. Image made on the street I live on about a block from my door. enjoy pjc
WONDERFUL, your work here together:) I love this picture. She is so delicate and really an angel…Michelle if you read this you are a boticelli angel:)
OK, so it’s international translator day? Is that what you tried to tell me in 140 caracters, LOL?
Have a blue and white day
Yes that’s it Happy Translating day. Brevity is overrated. enjoy pjc
Andrea, Thank you so much. Peter is a phenomenal artist and I really enjoyed working with him. He knows how to capture a subject and he brought the best out in this model. Thank you Peter for the wonderful experience and I look forward to working with you soon!