Purple Door
If the door squeaks you have to pay royalties. Ha Ha. So now that there isn’t a Virgin left what will happen to cds? Will the music industry cd demise lead to the obsolescence of cds in general? Will all the diggie cameras and all those images be left to upgrade to DVD? Will you delete many images that at this nano second seem useless? What evil lies behind the purple door? LOL
If a person blogs with no response does it still make an impression? What a wonderful tool for comunication this is, yet I always thought it took two to comunicate? or more. What comes next? A rant? A poll? With only one response. All these questions and the meaning of life answered here in the next episode of “Ipodian Nation and the Anti Social Network” or not. enjoy pjc
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Andy Dick says
"If a person blogs with no response does it still make an impression?"
Lori Rembetski says
There are other recording companies. There is Signature Sounds and Red House Records. CDs are still for sale. Hopefully they will be around a long time, just like printed books. There are electronic reading devises, but nothing compares to lying in bed with a book in the form of paper and ink.
Debbie says
I still love when we find an unscheduled Sunday afternoon, dig out our old vinyl records.As we play and reminisce about a first loves, first record players, first concerts… we reconnect at such a deep level. Maybe I'll see what hubby has planned for this Sunday… I'm hoping for gentle rain to set the mood. <3
Peter J. Crowley says
thanks Andy ever so often I wonder am I typing to myself? enjoy pjc
Peter J. Crowley says
I wonder Virgin may still be recording but their stores have closed. That is the two biggest outlets for cd sales closing in the last week. You are right about a good book, yet look at the fate of the print media. The Times they are a stranger. enjoy pjc
Peter J. Crowley says
What a sweet thought you have a lucky man to spend your Sunday's with such a romantic. enjoy pjc
Sukumar says
You say: "I always thought it took two to communicate." Not true. Just ask anyone with a wife. Love the purple door! As for CD cos going under, and of course the print media, some are wondering "Could Doctors Go the Way of Record Companies?" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rj-eskow/could-doctors-go-the-way_b_215892.html and whether "The TV Business Is Toast" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/henry-blodget/the-tv-business-is-toast_b_216243.html