Summer is sneaking up and with gasoline prices already $.10 a gallon higher than predicted in late March by an industry analyst from some think [drunk] tank and swallowed down by “We the people” like some frat boy playing beer pong. Well “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me” Fool me repeatedly and well I guess “We the People” are dumb as a post or weak as overcooked pasta.
A rant began but was deferred as I would like opinions on the direction this blog will take.
1. Rants like or not?
2. A series of local day trips little gems in your backyard, life at a slower less fossil fuel consuming pace? [but if we use less fuel not only will the price go up but we may have to bail out Excon/Molester] * refer to new math definition of supply and demand the eleventh commandment.
3. Just pretty Pictures for above you sofa with less content than Sarah Palin‘s latest tweet.
4. Random or other suggestions. enjoy pjc
Rants are OK but I prefer pictures of neckid people.