As the temperatures rise [we can only hope] and the dollar falls I ponder what is it that is of value? Friends of course lead my list. But beyond friends as an Artist I look at what other people put value on? Of course there are your tools and materials. But what else is there “Time!” How do others value the time of an Artist? I ponder how an Artist is defined in this new global world? Certainly not as a profession for a profession is defined by “Billable Hours.” Is it technique? Tools? Mega Pixels? Something you do on the side to give back to the community? Or perhaps Community Service after you have stolen the future of the elderly, the poor and the children of the world. What is the value of time? What defines an artist? Just a couple of light hearted musings on a cold February morning. enjoy pjc
Free prints [for those who’s patronage keeps me here] Feb discounts for all.
“If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.” Mark Twain written prior to the birth of Rupert Murdoch
Mark Twain was a genius. Nails it clearly, concisely and it guarantees a laugh. …. Will have to consider you’re words a bit more thoroughly before I comment.
What is most valuable, indeed!! As I watch my 401k value plummet to less than half of it’s prior value, as I watch the gas prices rise despite lower oil costs, as I watch our country go from a surplus just eight years ago to a $1.2 TRILLION deficit today, as I watch our new President take us closer and closer to socialism, and as I watch my children begin their lives as adults, I am also left to ponder, WHAT IS MOST VALUABLE? I wonder if I have raised my children in a way that will properly equip them for this day and age. I hope that I have raised them to realize that there are NO U-HAULS at funerals and that what REALLY matters is family, friends, and the relationships we develop and nurture. I want them to know that no man or woman has laid on their deathbed thinking that they should have spent more time at the office or sent just one more email or sent one more text message on their Blackberry or any of that superfluous bullshit. Death and dying are the great equilizer for we all shall face it and upon doing so we must leave all behind.
So, what is most valuable? Relationships. My goal is to leave a legacy for my children that will have them saying that I was a kind and gentle man; a man who loved his family and friends and was never too busy to give them that which we can never get back; TIME.
The Bible says that where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Where is YOUR treasure? Is it in the stock market? Is it in other investments? Your home? Your “toys”? Your social status? Your material possessions? Moth and rust consume all of it but moth and rust have no impact on relationships and the time we spend nurturing them.
As spring does approach us, I am reminded that spring is a time of renewal; new life and new beginnings for all creatures great and small! There are New Year resolutions and then, for me, there are resolutions that revolve around the new life of spring! I want to bring new life into different areas of my life. I have a new place to call home now and a new lady to share my life with and I’m making new friends as well. I also hope to see some old friends this year that I haven’t seen in a while. Sadly, everything seems to revolve around the almighty dollar and a lack thereof often pushes aside the hopes and dreams of many. I am hoping that this year will be better for me as I make attempts to sell my own photography and get myself into some galleries. I want to push forward in spite of so many things in culture collapsing around me. I hope that the beauty and appreciation of art, and those who wish to see it hanging on their walls, don’t stop buying. My desire is to bring a smile or a tear of joy to people in the midst of a world replete with pain, suffering, selfishness, greed, hatred, and such.
I want my photography to be the antithesis of all that is wrong with the world and move people’s thoughts back to things which bring joy and peace and happiness. Those thoughts almost always bring up thoughts of loved ones and so we have come full circle and returned to seeing the value of relationship!
Good, strong questions for a cold day. I’ve spent the past two days receiving children’s art at the Mystic Arts Center. Four-year-olds have shown me a whole host of new possibilities.
And so, to me, imagination is valuable. Optimism. A belief in something greater than myself, and understanding that I do have a small part in a big world.
And love. Love is important. Takes in a lot… husband, siblings, dogs and cats, children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, parents and grandparents dead and alive, and my few but dear friends.
Twain also said – I’d have written you a shorter letter, but I didn’t have the time.
I think there are people who “get art” and people who think it’s just a class they took in jr high, and nothing more than some folks’ hobby. Those who don’t value art, and the time, technical skill, and creative vision that go into it, are clearly not people you should worry about, even though you cross their paths often.
Focus your energy on those who see what you’re doing and value it. You’ll gain inspiration, energy, and encouragement from them. These people value you, your time, and all you’ve sacrificed to be an artist.
Look ahead to spring, forget about winter.
Wintry thoughts indeed, Peter!
I have to say I agree with many of the others’ comments- relationships, time, creativity, positivity (and passing it on to others), mindfulness…..these are all very important!
And, most important of all, living by your own values even if they don’t really fit in with the mindscapes of others. You have to be happy and truthful for yourself and that is very, very valuable.
That was a musing! To Winter, I say “hello”, to Summer I say “Oh, no”… and “go away bees!” I look forward to another adventure before the end of winter. You know what that means, the pressure is on! Shoots and soup and around a block or two, soon, I hope.
Love the Mark Twain quote. I don’t read newspapers, and do not often watch new on tv, but I think I guess the essential. Which is exactly what he says:)
love all your photographs. Here it is a little more like spring already, blackbirds singing in the trees and on the houses’ antennas early in the morning
take care
Family. Good Friends. The rest is “window dressing”. Anyone who watched the Voluntown episode of “Extreme Makeover Home Edition” saw that first hand. Their home was lost to fire. The husband drowned, the oldest son drowned trying to save him. The community came together with ABC to give them a fresh start.
Next time you hear someone whine because their iphone doesn’t have the latest app, or they WANT that new car (even though theirs in FINE), remember George Carlin’s “A place for my stuff”, or Delbert McClinton’s “Too Much Stuff”. At the end, it’s all immaterial. Family and friends will nourish your soul far more than the latest techno-crap or fashionista-babble. Spring is the season of re-birth. Flowers and trees budding out, birds returning, new life emerges from that long winter’s nap. And to “Anonymous” – send me all your bees, I’m happy to have them.
Ah, ‘life’ or some may say TIME be the most valuable commodity given to me. BUT, I have yet been able to bottle it, catch it or actually face it’s nebulous existence in the face. Friends, family and the quality of my life (time) are important, but only because of time (life) am I able to spend, grow and nuture myself and others in my life (time). Only with time (life) can I create and appreciate, love and be loved.
You ask: what is it that is of value?
… which presupposes that there IS something of value today. The rethuglicans have wreaked more havoc in the name of “family values” than anybody else in recent times – and all while molesting pages and soliciting gay sex in airport restrooms! Perhaps it is time to retire the word before it can be redeemed. Maybe I am “a cynic – a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.” – Oscar Wilde. Or perhaps we all are!
Wow! This is a potent musing. One I REALLY like. A very worthy musing in fact. A musing we should all be “musing” every single day. Good for you!!
What is valuable for me? That I am really aware every single day…no…moment. That I have time to touch the Earth with my bare hands and feet and soul. That I see, really “see” and feel the people who love me and whom I love. That I am in touch with myself and the utter sheer vastness of the reality that I am –right NOW –sitting on a little blue and green planet floating through an endless universe, headed toward…the Unknown. That I see the stars and moon, hear the wind through pine trees, that I tell (and SHOW) the people I love that LOVE them as if there were no tomorrow ever again. That I am free in body, mind and spirit. That I am fearless even if I am afraid. That I am so impassioned and filled with Life that I cry and laugh at the same time. That I am so in love with Life that I can hardly stand the excruciating sweetness of it.
Oh this is such a crucial musing. I think the most important musing. I hope you will explore it further and share it with us. Thank you SO MUCH.
Mike you cover all the bases but ends at home with his kids.but you start with a 401K that some kinda sports car? Lol enjoy pjc
Carrie Love and imagination like it a lot. Sometimes they are the same. enjoy pjc
Leslie I liked what you said in your message to me so much more to the point. enjoy pjc
The Queen has spoken and hit the nail or some on the head. I’m In a jocular mood this evening, jeez it’s 10:30 enjoy pjc
A winter walk in the snow with film and warm drinks is in order before Bee season.The snow might even be pretty. I’ll call talk to voice mail and the cycle begins enjoy pjc
Andrea, I haven’t bee to visit you and Miss Doodle lately. Sorry too much typing to have any thoughts. I have been by just quietly. More like spring we have a foot of new snow today. I am going back to hibernate.
enjoy pjc
RJ points to some contemporary philosophers but did either of them see Sony’s new worthless piece of……. The bees she is allergic so I doubt she has any to send. enjoy pjc
Jas, Time, Life love enough said.
enjoy pjc
Great! “Maybe I am “a cynic – a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.” – Oscar Wilde. Or perhaps we all are!”
enjoy pjc
My mine travels through this muse daily, with a near constant “Why or Why not” Sweet simplicity. We are the planet yet we cover our eyes as we trample ourselves for possessions. I will continue to explore these musing through verbal images and visual words. With a touch of cynical humor. Did you the blog [mine] Significance? quite a while ago. I’ll send you a link. enjoy pjc
I waited till last for you in case you had finished considering? But I know you have lots on your mine so i will catch you soon. enjoy pjc
Love the Mark Twain comment. Exactly why I don’t watch television and am circumspect about the newspapers.
I really enjoy all your images and the words twined together. I now live in Millerton, NY, but once resided in Oakdale, CT with a samll horse farm in Bozrah. I recognize many of the areas you haunt. A breath of the past, the memories it brings looking at your work. Wonderful. Inspirational Thank you