Once the Apartment is full, then you get a house and then a bigger house with a garage, followed by a self storage unit or two. But is it ever enough?? enjoy pjc
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Thank you to the Ellen Hammen in Olde Mystic Village for such a fun drawing that I photographed.
It seems the “American Dream” of having “all that” can come back to haunt people. My observation is that people with all kinds of “toys” just end up being a slave to years of payments, upkeep, and snowballing debt just to “keep up with the Joneses.” I, for one, am trying my best to simplify my life and get rid of all superfluous crap and get debt-free. Being out of debt means I don’t have to make as much money to live and that gives me more options for my future job choices. For some, enough is never enough. For me, I want to learn contentment and peace in my spirit and not be sucked into the jaws of hedonism and the perpetual state of malignant narcissism that our society suffers from.
Thanks for sharing, Peter! Always a pleasure.
Hi Peter, thanks for sharing your thoughts about the neverending spiral of wanting always more. Banks and credit institutes lure people into depts. I know that each and everyone is responsible for himself but when I sometimes look at the tactiques banks are using to make people take on credits which bring them only depts, then the hair in my neck goes up…
Mike, Debt is by far the biggest distraction/addiction from Reality and Humanity that mankind has provided. It is a long way back but we can find a way.
enjoy the weekend pjc
It is amazing how taken in to the borrow money spiral we are lured to and how easily we are caught. I live without credit, “I get by with a little help from my friends!” Sometimes I even think non sense thoughts. lol Today we dance to Cajun/Zydeco music in the hot sun. Have a wonderful weekend. More flowers today. enjoy pjc
Now that we’ve officially joined the third world, no more “virtual” home equity = no more free credit = no more worthless “upgrades” for everything from the coffeepot to the toilet seat.
Reality is overrated.
Brings to mind Walden. Bigger house than you need. More furniture needed to fill that house. More heat and cooling to pay for. More maintenance.
What for, other than the lack of being able to separate wants from needs?
Material Entrapment. Give it a thought.
Cool Anonymous,
Have no fear Dick in the Bunker knows who you are. Nice comparison to Waldon and wants and needs. Buy now only $19.99 and if you buy in the next ten minutes we’ll double your order of Pet Rocks. That’s right twice as many Pet Rocks and a lifetime supply of food for the rocks. lol pjc