This is supposed to be under the new windows and the type to the right of image. Are you receiving this around the corner? In the correct place where human design and intelligence put it or has “Vanilla” artificial intelligence taken over? enjoy pjc
In posting my last blog I learned that depending on what browser you use the type and images end up in different places so today I am posting from IE Which put all the type at the bottom of the last post done with FireFox. So let’s see where things go now.
From here, it looks like we have agreement between Opera, FireFox, SeaMonkey, and even IE7. All show the text directly below the image, though the text below the bottom image is centered, where it’s left-justified on the top image.
Also – the big image of Little Compton isn’t displaying in IE. And I love the big images! Closing IE now before something horrific happens.
The images are wonderful, as always.