Franklin Square Norwich Ct
Perception is reality, if there is such a thing as reality? Today thoughts and images ramblings.
Nimble Arts Brattleboro
Arbitrary Dates, 12/31/06 0r 1/1/07 Is there a difference? Does the New year make you wiser?
Richer? Full of promise or just hung over? Fifty two times a year it’s a new week do you resolve to change your life? Twelve times a year there is a new month. Is there a new you? “St. Peter don’t ya call cause I can’t go I owe my soul to the Company Store.”
Norwich small business took another hit today as Bee Bees Closed. Forty years [I think that’s how long they were there] at the Norwichtown Mall, No more Omlettes for me. I went and had one more took some photo’s chatted with the regulars. It was sad stiff upper lip and smile from waitresses but…. “how late are you open today?” “Till we run out of burgers sometime between 5 and 8pm” was the reply. The mall has new owners almost no tenents and a bulldozer to supersize it to a new and improved Vanilla Paradise. Latte Latte Grande. enjoy pjc
I’ll miss Bee Bee Dairy. Always had a cheap and satisfying meal there.
So Peter…where will we have dinner next?
We certainly don’t need a break today but the CEOs of Amerika do Might I suggust multiple compound fractures! Mom and Pop stores are still to be found we will find another. I wonder does anyone else read this besides you and Leslie? More bloggng perhaps later today. enjoy pjc
I’ve been missing Bee Bee Dairy ever since the Groton, then the Mystic restaurants closed years ago. I forgot about the lonely Norwichtown Mall holdout. Sorry to hear of its demise.
And yes Peter, there are still some excellent local dining spots. You have a photo of one in Franklin Square posted. And you make a mean pasta sauce, if I recall correctly. Perhaps you have a future as a restaurateur.