“If I was doing any better I’d be twins!” OOBAHS may not be open for lunch anymore but It will always be open in my heart/mind. Jason, Chris, Jessie, and the Obonium family first landed in Willimantic July 99 this image from 7/8/99 Wraps, chili, quips, laughter, music, art, super sized helpings of generosity, humanity, humor, compassion.
Ambiance by OOBAHS
There are places that are more than brick and mortar, places where the usual subjects gathered dropped their work personas and settled in for coffee, tea, frivolity, A book release party, A Mural by Arnold and one by Stacy, Cartoons by Jesse, wraps and sound by Chris, winks and smiles from Erica and all the other Obonian’s who came to Willi to observe and make this little corner of planet Earth very cool. Tomorrow Erica’s singing for third thursday and there will be others on Fridays as the doors to this Magic Kingdom continue to open and spread smiles. Bruce John, King Cake, Patty, Rex, Gary……………..See you all tomorrow night.
Third Thursday
enjoy pjc
I will miss Oobah’s mightily!
Giving Jason sh*t, blowing kisses to Chris, bantering with Erica….and meeting all my friends and aquaintences. I could never walk into Oobah’s without having at least one person say “Hi Cheryl!”
And then there’s my pix on the wall by a crazy bearded guy named Peter… ๐
See ya at Third Thursday!