It was said to me when I was a student of photography at Paier College of Art in Ct. A professor suggested that every image you make is a self portrait. When you look at an image this way the photo becomes more a reflection of your feelings than just that of an object. That object maybe anything from an old house or a nude. When you look at it as a mirror then more of you and your emotion are visible. The internet has created a coloring book for an object based group of “Artists” and “model/talent” where all that is important is the surface/subject, all composition is done if at all as an after thought in PS or whatever post production software you use. My work is front end composition a way of seeing the entire frame, not just the pretty girl. The negative space that frames your subject says as much as your subject. Here is a statement of mine, what am I saying here? How clear is my message and is the message the same for all viewers? enjoy pjc.
If this blog allows you to post photos as part of your response please do.
Peter J. Crowley
Photographic Art
Be Art.
MSlygh says
test comment
August Images says
I began to see how important negative space was while taking a drawing class. I took the course thinking it would help me learn to see 3D objects in 2D, I believe it helped, but what I was most amazed about was how my best drawing was done by the negative space around the subject, Once the negative space was completly drawn the main subject was complete. It did feel a bit magical.
Your statement? not sure. What I see is the protective nature of…nature. I dont see the model so much as framed, but protected by the space around her. The model in the rear is unprotected/isolated, but it it self-imposed or forced, caused by nature or man-made?
Peter J. Crowley says
Protected and isolated self imposed. That’s certainly something I’m saying. Each person will bring their own feelings,history to the story I create. You are going down the avenue I was aiming for. Like what you say about drawing and how negative space works in that medium. enjoy pjc
Cestandrea says
Hi Peter, thanks for sharing this insight on “how to look”, I think everything you say here goes for painting too.
Always look out for the background. I’m off looking at your pictures now,very inspired and inspiring
have a great day
greetings from Paris